History of WSPRA
The WSPRA Chapter was founded in 1964 by William Frederick, who was communications director for the Shoreline School District. WSPRA is a strong chapter regionally and nationally. A recipient of numerous NSPRA (National School Public Relations Association) Blue Ribbon Chapter Awards for Excellence and the 1990 Distinguished Chapter Award, the membership strives for continued professional growth and excellence.
WSPRA has earned a Mark of Distinction from the NSPRA as an Exemplary Chapter in 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Membership is open to any person who wants to develop or enhance their skills and knowledge in the profession of educational communications and community relations. Our membership is open to a variety of K-12 education professionals, including superintendents, curriculum directors, communications and community relations staff, teachers, and office support staff. Consultants, higher education communication professionals and other outside specialists are also members.
We welcome you to our community.